Somers Town Big Local is excited to announce that we are opening up a General fund which will make grants of up to £12,500 to fund projects, activities, core costs, and capital costs to take place over the year period from August 1st, 2024, to July 31st, 2025. We expect most grants to be in the region of £2,500 - £7,500. For applications of £10,000 - £12,500 we will need a strong case for why projects require the full amount and for applications of this value to be successful we would expect the involvement of multiple partners. If an organisation requires more than £12,500, they can schedule a meeting with the STBL team to discuss the proposal in further detail before submitting an application.
In this round of funding, we want to prioritise projects that promote teamwork between individuals or organisations and that are looking at how the proposals will lead to a more sustainable organisation or program for when the Big Local funding comes to an end in 2025. That being said, we will accept applications for one off events and costs that aren't interested in sustaining post 2025.
Proposals will be assessed on a monthly basis until all funding has been allocated.
Our priorities are projects that:
Take place between August 1st, 2024, and July 31st, 2025.
Are run jointly by at least three individuals/organisations. (This is a key priority for these grants)
Spread the planning and work across a team – no single individual should be doing more than 50% of the proposed work
Can be used for program costs, core costs, capital costs, or one-off event/program costs
Have considered how the program can sustain post 2025 without Big Local funding
Are planned and delivered by Somers Town residents/ organisations.
Engage with and are relevant to diverse participants from multiple communities.
Directly support or benefit the Somers Town Big Local area and community.
Reach those who do not usually participate in community programs or events.
Have activities for young people.
Examples of the kind of projects or activity we may fund include:
a monthly sports match
an elderly support group
quarterly book clubs and game nights
community wide events
skill building or training opportunities
community meals
scaling existing youth activities
TRA estate programs
additional staff capacity for an organisation
minor refurbishments to a venue
storage costs for a local storage provider
coach trips
technology and software needs